glasscn-ui - Glassmorphic Component Library based on shadcn/ui

glasscn-ui - Glassmorphic Component Library based on shadcn/ui


Themable shadcn/ui component library with glassmorphism variants, and extra components such as CircularProgress.


This package includes most of the shadcn/ui components bundled in a single component library, with the following changes:

  1. Glassmorphic variants for components with solid surfaces (cards, buttons, dialogs, menus, etc.), with adjustable blur.
  2. Improved color options and management: Additional color aliases and easier color switching. More consistent color usage, specially with gray and primary/accent colors.
  3. New components like CircularProgress, ComboBox, DotIndicator, and HeadingTitle.
  4. Improved button styles and variants, with more colors.
  5. Enhanced toast notifications.