New CSS Logo

New CSS Logo


I created a modern CSS Logo design, and proposed it to the CSS-Next community group, a part of the W3C.

The design includes many hat tips to CSS and web design:

  • Subtle rounded corners, making the logo resemble a tooltip / eye dropper / popup element.
  • Uses a known web color, hotpink. The color choice represents a color from the JS logo tetradic scale. Pink is also often related to makeup πŸ’…, and CSS is the makeup of the web!
  • The CSS version of the logo uses modern CSS features, like font-variant and @container queries.

It also meets the following criteria:

  • Works well without color, in white and black.
  • Works with and without a version number (contains enough space to fit one).
  • It’s legible and recognizable, in small and large sizes.
  • It’s recognizable by color and shape, even if the text is too small (e.g. 12px and below).
  • It can be represented in both SVG and CSS-only formats.
  • It works well with existing community logos (JS, WebAssembly, etc) and brands (like Typescript).